Using Color

Balancing Elements Through Color
The majority of my clients are home owners and businesses having difficulty selecting colors and wall textures. I will complete a room-by-room and office space analysis of natural lighting effects, room usage and owner personalities.
To the majority of people, the selection of exterior colors for your home is a matter of personal choice. It is possible though, that the selected colors may not complement each other once applied. That can be an expensive experiment. There are also other aspects of exterior design to take into consideration.
"Consy has unquestionable talent as a colorist."
~ Steve and Cindy, Fairfield, CA ~
Color plays such an important role in life, and not only in how we see things. Choice of color or colors can affect our very mood, and how we feel. A room may be an uncomfortable place just because the color is not relaxing. Your children’s behavior may be affected by the color of their room. If things are just ‘not right’ it may be that a simple color change will make the world of difference.
“Have nothing in your home that you do not
know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful”
~ William Morris ~
Lighting Plays an Important Roll
Working as your colorist or Color Consultant, I will transform your environment into a real pleasure for the eyes to behold.
Contact me today for a consultation!